Wednesday, July 27, 2005

KEC, Duncanville, TX

So far the experience has been really good. I'm just really exhausted. Most of the afternoon I really didn't know what God wanted me to do. A lot of us were struggling in the park. After a while, AL and I came across a beautiful young girl on the riverside. We talked for a while and come to find out, she's a Christian. She needs a lot of encouragement, so we tried to encourage her. We switched contact info and hopefully we will be able to encourage her some. Then we were in a Texas size storm which got us drenched! Thanks for the prayers!

WT, Wichita Falls, TX

Howdy yall, I had an awesome day today. Morning worship was great. A lot of my prayers were answered today. I was able to talk to a Turkish guy named Y. And their was no language barrier between us. And I ended up talking to him for like 2 hours. I don't have enough room to write it all down so I will tell you the whole story later. It was awesome. About 4:30 pm a huge storm hit while we were in the park. It reminded me of Texas weather. Anyway I'll talk at yall later.

ACL, Henderson

Hi again! I went through a hail storm today, literally, but before the rain came, I had an amazing conversation with KC and a beautiful new friend, K. She was a Baptist and a Chrsitian but was having a really hard time with finding any friends. I gave her a guitar pic and told her to remember me and to remember Jesus was her best friend. Hopefully we will be able to keep in touch! I love you all...keep praying! Much love - A!

DJE, Hull, TX

I met a girl named M from Syria at the college today. We exchanged email addresses and she agreed to let me pray for her. We went to the park and ate with a lady and two girls. They were grilling chicken wings. The lady didn't want to talk much about church, but we exchanged email addresses. We got very wet when a big storm blew through. The kids all have stories to tell tonight. I love seeing them excited about sharing their story with someone. God is faithful and full of surprises. Jordan, I read your comment and yes, I've eaten a doner!

CGM, Vernon

Hey it rained really hard today. We were hiding under a tin awning in the park trying to help a couple of Turkish women and their 6 kids. We hope we gave them a good view of Americans even though they didn't speak English. We are in an Italian restaurant soggy and wet as I write this so we hope we don't get sick.
Mom, you need to get in contact with the Maddox's about transport home for Adam and I. I miss ya'll and I hope it's not too boring with out me home.

LG, Willow Park

Dera family and friends,
Today was so exciting! We at lunch at the college cafeteria with the girls we met yesterday and one of their guy friends. Later at the park KM and I talked with 2 turkish women on the Rhine, and waded in the water with them. Later we were able to skip rocks with their kids and take pictures. Not long after an insane storm hit KM and I ran for cover. We were soaked within seconds. We found shelter on a concert stage, but I went back out into the storm to get two women and their children and helped them find shelter from the storm. It was a really neat experience. We're eating dinner now. I love all. *hugs*

MGD, Bronte

Hi mom and dad,
I had a great day today. I spent most of my day praying. I prayed for our sites and for my team members. I also spent time just looking at what God has created in Germany. It was really a great time to spend a day alone with him. Another great thing that happened was that it rained really hard. I was soaked from head to toe. It was so much fun! I love you!

ZWF, Plano, TX

Wow today was the best! We met this guy in the cafeteria during luncha and started talking to him. After we finished eating we left w/ him to go check out another part of the city. We sat down at a bar and some drinks (of course Wes and I had Coke) and shared some stories and just talked about stuff. The wes and I both shared our stories with him. He was interested but not willing to commit to anything. So we kept on talking and learning more about each other. Finally we had to go so we asked him if we could pray for him so we did but he did not understand at first. But we explained. So pray he would get interested and willing to accept Christ.
In him, Cowboy up

KLC, Greenville, TX

Today was really awesome. At the college I had a chance to share my story with two spanish girls. They were both Catholic but think that people in the church are hypocrites. I had a good conversation with them and hopefully planted a seed. At the park D.E., A.R., and I talked to a social worker that had a 13 and 14 year old girl with her. They gave us chicken wings and donuts. Then God opened the flood gates and it rained cats and dogs. We were under the shelter with a cold little girl so I let her wear my sweater. Please continue to pray for my meeting on Friday. I love you.

ARN, La Grange, GA

Today was fabulous! I met many new friends! God is so fantastic through every cirucumstance! Three girls were BBQing on a togo grill (mommy you would love it). We sat down and talked to the oldest girl in english. She was like a social worker for the 2 younger girls. They offered us chicken wings (my first bone chicken wing hehe ever). Then they offered us homemade, small doughnuts. Yummy! We tlaked about a million things some church, etc. When we left we gave them tissues, etcha-sketch, pens, pencils, and a flower that said Jesus loves you! One girl kissed the flower! Have a great night!